Set Yourself Up for a Successful Adoption

A FREE Webinar for Romanian Rescue Adopters + FREE PDF Guide for Settling in Your New Arrival

Course Summary

The importance of ‘getting it right’ for your new Romanian (or foreign) Rescue Dog cannot be stressed enough. It is far easier to prevent problems arising than it is to try to undo them once something has happened. By sticking to a few simple guidelines when your Rescue dog first arrives at their new home with you, you can help make sure they settle quickly, happily and with as few problems as possible.

Please bear in mind, the information provided is based on my knowledge and experience of Romanian Rescue dogs, but every one of them will be different. There is no 'one size fits all' when it comes to dogs.

There can be many other contributing factors and issues and whilst it's simply not possible to cover every possible variable, I've included what I know to be the most common 'need to know' information.

You may need to know and implement all of it or only some of it or you may not even need any of it, but you will definitely need to be prepared to read and assess how your particular dog is coping with everything, and meet his/her needs as an individual.

I hope you enjoy the webinar and recommend that you read through the Free PDF guide several times, ideally before your dog arrives, and get all members of your family to read it too.

Course Curriculum

This was brilliant, thank you so much !!! My Romanian pup arrives tomorrow

Course Price

Set Yourself Up for a Successful Adoption


  • A FREE webinar for Romanian Rescue Adopters + FREE PDF guide for settling in your new arrival




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Jo Robinson

Information I wish I'd found sooner!

I adopted my rommie girl about a month ago and even though things have been pretty smooth, there are still things we could have done differently at the start. This course has got everything to help new adopters/soon-to-be-adopters navigate those early stages with their Romanian rescue dog. It's given me a better understanding and appreciation for these special dogs and I'm glad I've found Meesh's community to help me along the way!

1 week ago
Helen Margaret Whiley

Great information

Loved this introductory course. I wish I had had this info when we got our 2 Rommies all those years ago. Years on they are amazing but I could have served them better with the right information. Since then, I have volunteered at a Romanian shelter here in UK and gained a greater understanding of these fantastic dogs and am now studying for a canine behaviour diploma. I am fascinated by these 'natural' dogs and all your courses! Am doing the barking mini course which is great and would love to do the trainer course! Thank you for all the incredible training x

2 weeks ago
Viv O'Gorman

Great information

Having dogs most of our lives it was very informative to find out that Romanian dogs are different from ours and will be very helpful when we get ours later this month. Also knowing there is the back up help from everyone. This webinar has been extremely helpful.

1 month ago
Debbie Harwood

So much to learn!

After always having adopted dogs as puppies for most of my life, learning about the potential challenges in adopting a Romanian Rescue has been enlightening. So worth the time spent preparing myself and other members of the family.

6 months ago
Moïra Djen

Excellent webinar

This webinar is extremely helpful and informative- will definitely give a good start and support for a successful adoption - thank you -

9 months ago
Kathryn Dawson

Kathryn Dawson

Brilliant. so much information, feeling a little less nervous. Great to have this knowledge before the dog arrives. Would probably have smothered dog with love too much too soon. Thank you

10 months ago
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Meesh Masters

Meesh Masters is the founder and business owner at The Dog's Point of View and specialises in working with Romanian & Overseas Rescue dogs, providing educational resources for their adopters via remote one to one consultations, home study courses, webinars, training programs and her popular Adopters Coaching Group - The number one resource anywhere on the internet for Romanian and Overseas rescue dog information and support.

After becoming involved with Romanian Rescue dogs in 2015, both as a support advisor to new adopters and a fosterer herself, she was led to look deeper into the thinking, feeling, emotional depths of these dogs when things began feeling different about them.

She soon realised how the Romanian dogs were different to British born dogs, that their genetics and bloodline, being from street dogs and dogs that had evolved through more natural selection, meant they seemed to be more in tune with their instinctive nature's. She went on to learn that she needed to adjust the ways she interacted with and worked with these dogs, to accommodate their more instinctive and cautious characteristics. It became very evident that these dogs responded differently to 'training' in the conventional sense at times.

And so it became her passion to share everything she was learning, and is still learning, about the Romanian Dog's Point of View with as many adopters as possible. Today she is Patron of two Romanian Rescue Charities, Cloud K9 Rescue and Annie's Trust, she is also advisor to various other rescue organisations. She runs a course for qualified trainers, The Romanian Rescue Pro Trainers program, to help other canine professionals understand more about working with Romanian & foreign rescue dogs and their families, as many of them can be quite complex compared to working with British dogs.  She has also launched an invaluable education & resource program for rescue organisations rehoming Romanian & Eastern European dogs, to help them & their volunteers to understand how to correctly support their adopters if they encounter basic problems. 

Meesh is also now a certified Dynamic Dog Practitioner which qualifies her to complete detailed assessments of dogs in the areas of biomechanics, gait, movement & posture to determine whether there are any potential pain or discomfort issues that could be contributing to behaviour.  This is an invaluable qualification to have given that her entire business focuses solely on supporting and working with adopters and canine professionals of predominantly Romanian but also other European street, rescue & shelter dogs.  With the poor start many of these dogs have in life, along with the potential for them to have sustained untreated injuries, abuse and trauma prior to adoption, being able to assess for pain in a totally hands off, non-intrusive way is often the only way they can be assessed.